




Each voter-approved capital levy continues our investment in school buildings and student technology. These levies supply the main funding for school building improvements and much of the funding for SPS’s technology equipment, 软件, 服务, 和工作人员.

SPS战略计划, 西雅图卓越, includes the goal of providing safe and welcoming schools. This 的意思是s we must continually evaluate and improve the environments where our students learn.

正规的棋牌平台排行榜 has more than 100 school buildings. Our long-range capital plan is designed to upgrade, 翻新, and maintain our school buildings on a planned and predictable schedule. We must continually preserve and improve these buildings to ensure that they are available now and in the future.

Capital Funding Separate from Operating Funds

While the district currently faces challenges in the annual operating budget, capital levy funds are separate and must be used for the building projects and technology priorities approved in the levy.

BEX VI税正在筹划中

We are currently planning for the next Building Excellence (BEX) Capital Levy. It will be the 6th BEX levy request, so we refer to it as BEX VI.

The Seattle School Board is expected to place BEX VI on the ballot for the February 2025 election.


西雅图安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行批准了 Building Excellence VI Capital Levy 指导原则 10月. 11, 2023. These principles provide guidance to staff as we develop recommendations to the School Board on BEX VI levy projects.


征税计划涉及很多内容, and it is all guided by the Strategic Plan, 校董会政策, 和安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行指导原则.


  • 回顾 设施总体规划从2021年开始更新.
  • Reviewing and assessing the current building, system, and site condition information.
  • Determining what will be needed to meet Board and regulatory requirements for clean energy and energy efficient building operations.
  • Assessing needs for accessibility improvements.
  • Assessing needs for safety and security improvements.
  • Assessing needs for seismic improvements.
  • Reviewing current capacity, and enrollment projections for 5 years, 10 years, and 20 years.
  • Collecting information on program placement needs.
  • Evaluating district technology including equipment needs, 许可, 软件, 和服务, and aligning with superintendent’s initiatives and priorities.
  • 咨询 BEX and BTA Capital Programs Oversight CommitteeInformation Technology Advisory Committee.



Bassetti Architects continues to develop concept plans for potential projects. Cost estimates are being developed as those concepts are considered.

Studies are also in progress to develop recommendations and cost estimates for clean energy improvements across the district.

Concept planning provides information needed to determine cost estimates – part of typical long-range planning steps to plan for the upgrade and renovation of aging school facilities.

概念计划不是项目计划, but “test fits” of several concepts to figure out what is feasible for a school site.

研究了许多项目. Having concept plans allows district to be ready when funding becomes available, either through a capital levy or through other funding sources.

Developing a concept study for a school 的意思是 一个项目将被列入BEX VI.

Levy Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)

The Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) is complete 和 public meeting was held on April 24. While the draft PEIS includes school names and typical capital construction project ideas, it 并不意味着 any specific project listed will be included in BEX VI.



Early levy planning has included steps such as assessing strategic plan implications for the levy, reviewing lessons learned from previous levies and construction projects, assessing upcoming regulatory and Board requirements that will influence the levy projects, and gathering information on multiple other topics.

Developed initial list of projects to study/consider based on previous studies and levy planning efforts.

2023年6月- 2023年8月

  • Seek proposals to create concept plans for potential levy construction projects.
  • 聘请公司制定概念计划.
  • Begin Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) work.


  • Research and reviews to create concept plans for future construction projects.
  • Develop project cost estimates based on concepts developed.


  • 安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行提供 BEX VI规划的指导原则.
  • Continue to develop and refine list of potential projects.


  • Continue to develop and refine list of potential projects and costs.
  • 计划秋季社区参与.


  • Refine list of potential projects and costs.


  • Community engagement on proposed levy project lists.
  • Staff recommendation to school board on project list and levy amount.
  • School Board action to place the levy on the February 2025 ballot.

2025年1 - 2月刊

  • Information sharing on BEX VI 和 district’s Educational Programs & 业务征税.
  • 投票将于2025年2月11日举行.


If you have questions or comments on the BEX VI Capital Levy or any other capital levy, 请使用我们的 Let 's Talk在线表格.